Get Fat, Get Happy

Exercise? More Like Extra Fries: A Guide to Embracing a Sedentary Lifestyle

You ever wounder what it be like to embracing a sedentary lifestyle, eat whatever the hell you want and not give a damn what others think or say? Well don’t I have the advice for you; in order to make this easier for everyone I’ve gone ahead and broken this entry into sections. It is well known my stance on this so I hope this helps my dear readers.

The Joy of Leisure

Now some people might say Physical activity is often equated with hard work and sacrifice; you know the old “No Pain, No Gain” dribble we’ve heard for decades? However, I believe that opting for relaxation and leisure can lead to greater satisfaction and contentment. This isn’t just my old Dudeism side talking here; I know my shit people.

I’ve been a Dudeist for over a decade [See: “A Decade of Abiding and Working to my Own Utopian Playland” on my main website], and which carries the primary belief is that you don’t need to be worrying all the time; just relax, take it easy, and stop being so stressed.

Instead of spending hours at the gym or pounding the pavement, trying to chase the money bag of life, why not savor a lazy afternoon on the couch with a good book or your favorite movie? Embracing rest can be a radical act of self-care.

To quote an old Flash animation from the days of

“You know, you’re right, fuck society, and it’s obsession with idealistic beauty…Look at my jiggly butt!!!!” – Germaine Endez (The Jiggly Butt)

Nourishing Your Soul (and Stomach)

In a world gone mad by idiots obsessed with kale smoothies and tofu, I say we need to give into the simple joy of indulging in your favorite foods without guilt or shame. I mean, in this crazed society we live in, life is too short to count calories or restrict yourself. Whether it’s savoring a decadent dessert or enjoying a family meal, food is meant to be enjoyed, not feared.

We care so much, yet it doesn’t mean anything to anyone. Just enjoy the pudgy rolls that come from eating the food you love since it is not worth giving up all the things you love to fit some stupid ideal that makes no sense when we have such an abundance of foods and meat. For crying out loud people, we have the ability to make lab-grown meats. At this point, just enjoy it and eat whatever you damn well please.

Challenging the Status Quo

Whether it’s pron, family, movies, or whatever medium it is this time around, we see that it often promotes the idea that thinness equals happiness and success. Well, if that’s the case, I have many questions. I used to be 90 pounds and couldn’t enjoy myself; I hated my body and viewed it as a mistake. However, we can challenge this narrative by showcasing that people of all sizes deserve respect, love, and acceptance. By embracing our bodies as they are, we empower ourselves and others to reject harmful standards of beauty and worth.

I mean, I actually now enjoy seeing myself in the mirror and have gained a lot of confidence ever since I just gave into being plump. So why not give it a shot? You can always try losing the weight later on if you don’t like it, but I hardly doubt that once you give up the stupid concepts that our culture and society thrust upon us, you’ll start to truly love yourself more.

So in the end, here’s my advice: stop worrying so damn much, have that extra burger, those large fries, the milk shake, and enjoy yourself since we’re here for a good time.

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